How Much Is A Maths Tutor Per Hour? Let’s Find Out!

How much is a maths tutor per hour UK?

If you want to become an expert at maths, then you should a maths tutor. Maths tutoring is a fantastic career choice if you are looking to earn money while learning new relevant study skills.

Maths tutors work with a wide range of students, including primary school children, secondary Pixabay school students and university students.

The average salary for a private maths tutor is around £25 per hour of tutoring.

As well as being able to make good money from home by teaching others, there’s also the opportunity to travel and get away!

What is the right price for a private maths tutor?

The right amount depends on your experience level, qualifications, location in the UK and other prominent factors. Some people charge more than £100 per half-hour lesson or even £200 per hour.

However, many will offer lessons for less than this. You can expect to pay between £10 -£50 per half-hour lesson depending on what area of London you live in.

With forms of tutoring maths, some schools require their school math teachers to be qualified (usually through GCSE/A- Level).

Others do not have any formal requirements. If you are unsure about whether you need to hold a qualification, contact your local council and ask them which courses they recommend.

You may find that only certain levels are required in order to teach mathematics subjects.

How much to charge for online tutoring?

Tutoring services such as Skype, Google Hangouts, WhatsApp and Viber allow you to chat face to face with clients anywhere in the world.

This means that graduate tutor don’t always have to meet up physically in person when offering tutorials.

In these cases, most companies set hourly rates based on how long each session takes. The lengthiest sessions take longer, so average cost more.

However, prices vary across different providers. So check out all the options before choosing one.

The standard rate is between £20 – 30 per hour.

It’s worth noting, however, that some companies provide additional payment methods beyond cash, like PayPal, Stripe and Skrill.

What factors affect the cost of a Maths tutor?

There are many things that can influence how much your tuition costs. These include:

1. Level of skill or qualification – Some people charge more than others because they have a level of qualification such as BSc or MA math degree.

However, most quality tutor will only charge what their level of experience allows them to do, so it’s best to ask about this before signing up for any lessons.

2. Experience – The longer someone has been doing maths tutoring experience, the better their knowledge of the subject becomes.

This means they’ll be more effective when working with pupils on all levels of education. It could even mean that some private math teacher will offer discounts for regular customers who show loyalty.

3. Location – If you live far away from where you’re going to teach, you may need to pay extra to cover travelling expenses.

It might also depend upon whether or not the private teacher offers pickup services. Also, note that certain towns and cities attract higher fees due to demand.

4. Tuition style – There are two dominant styles of maths tuition; face-to-face and online/distance learning.

Face-to-face classes usually involve meeting clients in person, whereas distance learning involves emailing maths homework questions back and forth between college student and private tutors.

5. Specialisation – Another factor which affects prices is specialising in one area over another.

For example, if you focus mainly on GCSE maths but occasionally go into AS or IB exams, you won’t command high online tutoring rates.

However, if you prepare for IGCSE and OCR courses, you’ll probably earn considerably more.

6. Teaching method – You don’t always have to use traditional methods like textbooks to help with your lessons. For instance, you can take advantage of technology to create interactive activities for kids to complete during tutorials.

7. Student demographics – This includes age, gender, ethnicity, religion, etc. However, these aren’t normally reflected in pricing structures. 

8. Hours available – How flexible are you? Do you prefer part-time jobs or full-time employment?

9. Availability – Most maths high level tutors operate Monday through Friday, although weekends aren’t exactly unheard of.

10. Pricing structure – Finally, we come across several types of price plans offered by individual tutors.

They include hourly, monthly, weekly, and yearly packages. Each of these options comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

What does an online math course cost?

Online math courses typically cost between $10-$50 per month depending on your math education level, whether it be pure university, undergraduate or postgraduate.

There’s no minimum commitment either, so you can pay as little as $5 per week. Some people find that they learn more quickly by paying attention rather than listening to audio lectures all day long.

You’ll need to get online somewhere though, because there isn’t any way to physically attend classes.

You also cannot simply turn up halfway through a course without prior notice since these are full-time commitments.

This website gives information on how to choose which maths degree will suit your interests best.

It’s important that you pick something that you’re interested in, otherwise you may end up doing nothing when studying!

However, this site doesn’t tell you anything about what life after graduation might look like.

Is it easy to find a job as a math tutor?

Of course, finding a suitable job shouldn’t be too difficult. There are plenty of websites where you can advertise yourself as a maths teacher.

Most of these sites let perfect tutor see who has viewed their advert and choose those they would prefer to message first.

This makes things easier for both parties since you won’t waste time messaging someone whose preference isn’t shared.

Many employers look for candidates within specific areas or geographic location. However, this doesn’t mean that every company requires professional tutors to live near them.

Some organisations hire private math tutors worldwide. This allows them to cover multiple cities without having to move themselves.

Some companies specialise in hiring proficient math tutors specifically. This often involves working directly with education centres and universities. In return, they receive discounts on staff cost of living.

Why Is Seeking Math Help So Important?

If you want to become a mathematician, then the first thing you should do is study mathematics at university.

Mathematics is such a vast math subject that even those who know very little about it still gain valuable knowledge from their studies here.

The reason it’s so crucial to seek maths support is because it allows them to understand concepts better. They then apply this understanding to other areas of the curriculum.

If you decide not to pursue a higher level of education, then working as a tutor could be just as beneficial.

The skill level taught here will benefit anyone, regardless of their career choice. That being said, having a mathematical background helps undergraduate student immensely.

These specialist subjects often require problem-solving abilities which are useful outside of academia too.

While writing essays, elementary school students sometimes struggle to express themselves clearly enough. These problems usually stem from a lack of experience.

Can you tutor math even your not good at math?

That’s right; however, if you have an interest in teaching others, then you don’t need to have studied the subject previously.

In fact, many mathematicians didn’t go to college at all before starting work in the field. You can certainly teach basic arithmetic and algebra without ever attending school.

Even if you already hold qualification requirement in another area, you can easily transfer this into learning new methods of teaching.

Your enthusiasm comes through more than any formal qualification. If you genuinely enjoy helping people learn mathematics, then why wouldn’t you consider becoming a maths tutor?

Are there different levels of math tutoring jobs available?

Yes, indeed. Some schools employ regular school teacher permanently but most rely heavily upon temporary contracts.

You should always check whether your local council has any vacancies advertised. It pays to keep an eye open for posts.

After graduating, you can either continue full- time employment or take up a part-time role. Most positions offer flexible hours and reasonable hourly rate.

Alternatively, you may choose to use online tutoring platforms like Upwork to find freelance clients. There are also plenty of websites dedicated to finding maths help.


Tutoring experience is an excellent way to build relationships with potential students, help them navigate high school and college, and impart knowledge that they will carry throughout life.

It is an invaluable experience that can be truly life changing.

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