What Is Tutoring?
Tutoring is an educational service provided by choice of tutors who assist students with learning concepts, skill level, and tasks.
They can use it for academic such as studying for exams or preparing for tests, or nonacademic purposes such as preparing for college entrance tests.
Students often struggle to learn information due to lack of understanding, poor study habits, or other reasons.
A tutor helps by providing guidance and support on topics such as math, science, literature, history, and anything else that needs to be learned.
A tutor has knowledge of the topic being taught, and therefore can provide a better understanding of the material.
They also can teach their subject in a way that is effective and engaging. If you’re interested in finding out more about tutoring, read on for further info.
Are teachers allowed to tutor a student in the same school?
In most cases, yes, they are! Teachers usually come from different schools, but sometimes there will be some exceptions where two teachers may work together at one time.
If this happens, it is important to make sure that all parties involved understand what’s going on so everyone knows how things should go down.
Teachers at the same school may tutor students, but it is possible they would have to disclose their relationship.
This varies depending on your situation. Some teachers don’t mind teaching others, while others prefer not to share their expertise.
This could mean having to give up teaching positions if found guilty of any wrongdoing. It is always best to ask permission before starting a relationship like this.
Different Methods of Tutoring
There are many methods of teaching people how to do something.
These include:
- Lectures – where professors deliver lessons through verbal explanations
- Demonstrations – where teachers show techniques so others may follow them
- Practice Sessions – where students practice things they’ve just been told
- Problem-Solving – where instructors help students work through problems until they get it right
Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here’s what each one entails.
Lecture method
Lectures are probably the most common form of instruction. They comprise lectures delivered from a podium using slides or notes.
In this type of lesson, there will be no demonstration or problem solving involved. The teacher simply delivers instructions with no explanation.
This approach works well when the instructor knows everything required and does not need help. It doesn’t always go over very well, though, if the student has questions or doubts.
Demonstration method
Showing involves showing someone exactly what you want done. This usually includes some kind of visual aid, like diagrams, models, etc.
The advantage here is that the person watching learns much faster than those listening only because they see what’s happening rather than having to take your word for it.
However, demonstrations aren’t suitable for all subjects; sometimes it isn’t possible to show everyone precisely what should happen. In these cases, you’ll need to explain the steps verbally instead.
Practice session
Practice sessions involve practicing a task repeatedly until it becomes automatic.
If you’ve ever tried playing piano, then you know how hard it is at first. But after a while, you don’t even think about doing it anymore! That’s because once you’ve practiced enough times, it gets easier and easier every time.
You might say “I’m good” but really you mean “I’m getting better.”
Problem solving
Problem-solving involves working with an individual to solve specific issues.
For example, maybe you had trouble writing a report last year. When you asked why, you were given lots of answers which didn’t seem relevant.
Instead of giving up, you tried again. By asking yourself questions, you found out that the reason was because you weren’t sure what format would suit best.
With this new insight, you set aside several hours to research options before choosing one. Once you’d made your decision, you wrote your paper accordingly.
Online help and self study
Online tutorials can provide instant access to instructional materials. Most online resources offer step-by-step guides.
These often contain videos as well as written information. Some sites even allow users to ask questions via chat rooms.
Self study is another term used for learning independently. It means studying alone either during breaks between classes or outside school hours.
Peer Instruction
Peers are people who have similar interests in education. Peer team of tutors share their knowledge and experience with others.
Peer tutor programs exist within schools and colleges. These groups typically meet regularly and discuss topics related to teaching methods, curriculum design, and other educational concerns.
Tutor Training
A tutor training program is designed specifically for teachers looking to become qualified or ideal tutor themselves.
It aims to teach them new skills so they may offer lessons to fellow pupils. Some universities also run teacher training courses where students learn from experienced teachers.
How to become a private tutor?
There are many ways to become a Private tutor. The most common way being through University degree programmes. However, there are also opportunities available if you already hold qualifications in the field. Here’s how:
1) Get qualified
If you’re currently holding a qualification in Education, then you could easily apply for a job as a private tutor. A lot of Universities will advertise vacancies for student/graduate assistants and professional tutor.
Alternatively, some companies hire graduates directly into full-time positions without requiring formal qualifications.
2) Become a teacher
Teachers usually work part time and earn around £15 per hour. This includes holidays & sick pay. They receive no benefits, though.
So, unless you enjoy spending all day sitting behind a desk, becoming a teacher isn’t much of an option. Also, whilst it’s possible to get paid more than a graduate, you’ll still only be earning minimum wage.
3) Start teaching yourself
Many parents feel uncomfortable paying someone else money when they could just give their child extra private tuition themselves.
4) Teach at home
Another popular choice amongst families trying to save costs. Whilst children don’t need to attend university to qualify as a private tutor.
They must possess excellent communication skills, patience, attention span and good organisational skills. They should know how to motivate young learners.
5) Volunteer
Volunteering has been shown to improve your mental health and wellbeing. In addition, volunteering offers great career prospects, too.
6) Join a professional association or society
Joining a professional association or society provides members with free education and mentorship. It also allows you to network with like-minded people who share similar interests.
7) Attend conferences
Conferences allow you to connect with experts in your chosen area of study. By attending these events, you ask questions and gain insight into what others do.
8) Take classes
Taking classes gives you the chance to interact with other students and expand your horizons.
There are plenty of options out there to choose from, including community college, local high school, adult learning centres and even distance learning.
9) Create a website
Creating a personalised, online presence can help increase traffic on your site, which leads to increased sales. There are lots of websites that offer free web hosting services such as WordPress, Wix, etc.
10) Sell products
Selling products on eBay, Amazon Marketplace, or Etsy is another profitable side hustle. If you’ve got creative ideas and want to sell something unique, this might be right up your street!
11) Use social media platforms
Social Media sites like Facebook and Twitter provide businesses with easy access to millions of potential customers.
Many brands use these networks to promote their business by creating engaging content and posting regular updates about their company.
12) Offer advice
If you’re passionate about a topic, then offering advice may prove lucrative if you find the correct audience. For example, I’m able to make over $100 every month by sharing my expertise on YouTube.
13) Write for publications
Writing articles for magazines, newspapers or blogs pays well. However, it takes years to build up a portfolio, so make sure you start off submitting guest posts before looking for writing gigs.
14) Be flexible
Flexibility will come in handy throughout life, but especially during times of change. When starting a new job or moving house, having flexibility means you won’t miss payments on bills.
Can you privately tutor your own students?
Yes, you can privately tutor your own students. They do not require you to have a teaching license, however you are required to have an education degree.
You can take private payments for private tutoring service to your own students. The tutoring should be supplemental to normal school private tutoring lessons. It should not be the only instruction you’re giving the student tutor.
Private expectations of tuition require a lot more work than public schooling. Once you get started, though, you’ll quickly see how rewarding it is.
But they advised it to not tutor your own students, as a conflict of interest may arise, as you know more about a student’s standing in the class them the professor.
Do you have to pay tax as a private tutor?
As a private tutor, they required you to pay taxes when your annual earnings reach a certain amount. You pay any taxes on income you make as a tutor.
This income includes payments made directly to you and payments made by your employer or company on your behalf.
Any income you make as a private tutor in the UK is liable to tax. There are some exemptions to this, but they are few.
Pay tax as a private tutor if you are self-employed. If a school or college employs you, you will not have to pay tax as you will not be self-employed.
Tutoring Session: Top 10 tips
Tutoring tips can help you as a tutor and a student as you both learn the material and as you work on your interpersonal skills.
Here are the top 10 tips for tutoring students.
- Start small
It’s important to get started early when considering becoming a teacher. This way, you’ll avoid getting overwhelmed.
- Don’t expect to become rich overnight
Teaching isn’t an instant money maker – it requires time, effort and dedication. So, set realistic expectations at the beginning.
- Build relationships
Building meaningful connections with students is one of the most rewarding things you can do as a teacher. They’ll remember you long after you leave their classroom.
- Get experience first
Don’t jump straight into teaching with no real-world experience. Instead, consider working part-time while studying towards qualifications.
- Find a mentor
Having someone to guide you along the way can really boost confidence. Find a wonderful role model and seek advice.
- Be prepared
Make sure you know exactly how much you need to earn per hour. Then work backwards to figure out how many hours you need to put in each week.
- Keep track of expenses
You don’t want to end up in debt because you didn’t plan properly. Keep all receipts and write everything related to your studies.
- Have fun and take breaks
Enjoy yourself whilst preparing for your career path. The more relaxed you feel, the better student you’ll perform.
Stressful situations often lead to poor performance from teachers. Try taking brief breaks between lessons to give your brain a rest.
- Stay positive
Being negative doesn’t benefit anyone. Always try to see the best in people, even under difficult circumstances.
- Use technology wisely
Technology has changed our world; there’s no denying it. But being aware of its benefits and drawbacks makes using them easier.
The above list contains some useful information about making extra cash through tutorships. Hopefully, they have helped you gain further insights regarding the subject.
What is the difference between a tutor and a teacher?
A tutor works closely with individual pupils whereas a teacher tutoring classes of children. A teacher usually instructs the pupils individually within the class room setting.
While a tutor helps individuals who wish to level of study privately outside the classroom environment.
A teacher gives instructions to groups of learners, whereas a tutor provides instruction to individual learners.
A tutor is someone who instructs one-on-one, usually on a specific primary school core subjects. A teacher is someone who instructs a group or class of people.
A teacher teaches a specific subject difficult, such as science or history. A tutor helps a student with a specific subject or skill, such as science or math.
What skills do you need to be a private tutor?
To qualify as a private tutor, you must possess certain abilities that make you suitable for this type of job. These include:
1. An ability to communicate effectively
This includes both verbal and nonverbal communication. It also involves having excellent listening skills. You should be able to listen well so that you understand what others say clearly.
2. Good writing skills
Writing is another form of communication. As a tutor, you will use written forms of communication, including emails and letters. If you’re not comfortable communicating via email, then you may find it hard to teach online tutoring courses.
3. Knowledgeable about different specialist subject
As a tutor, they require you to provide students with knowledge about various topics. This means that you need to keep abreast of current levels and trends in order to ensure that you remain relevant to today’s society.
4. Experience teaching
If you’ve never taught before, you might start off by volunteering at an afterschool program where young kids attend school during their free time frames. By doing this, you get first-hand experience when dealing with actual students.
5. Self-motivation
It takes self-discipline to become a successful tutor. To succeed in this field, you must dedicate enough time towards learning new things and developing new skills.
Final Words
There are many ways to earn money from home. Whether you want to work part-time while still attending your full-time job or just supplement your income, these ideas can help you achieve your goals.
You can certainly tutor students from your own school. If you have a passion for education and have a deep understanding of the favourite subject area, you choose to tutor.
Then this is a great way to share your knowledge with students who might otherwise not learn from a brilliant tutor.