How To Become A Dyslexia Tutor?

Are you looking into becoming a dyslexia tutor? Dyslexia is a learning disability where people have difficulty reading and writing because their brains process information differently.

Most dyslexic individuals struggle with reading, spelling, and grammar, while others may only have trouble with reading.

If you want to learn how to become a dyslextion tutor, you first need to know what dyslexia is. Dyslexia affects about 10% of the population. It usually shows itself in children between the ages of 6 and 12 years old.

There are many different types of dyslexia, but there are three main types that most people deal with. They are phonological, semantic, and mixed.

Phonological dyslexia involves problems with hearing sounds correctly. Semantic dyslexia involves problems understanding meaning in written words.

Mixed dyslexia combines both of these two types of dyslexia.

You can also consider yourself a dyslexia tutor if you specialize in helping students who have other learning disabilities besides dyslexia.

What level of training should a Dyslexia tutor have to work with my child?

A dyslexia tutor usually has an undergraduate degree in special education or psychology and graduate certificates in teaching children with learning disabilities.

The training post level with your state’s department of education will determine whether they require additional certification for working with specific populations such as those with autism spectrum disorders.

There are common training method that you must use when tutoring someone with dyslexia.

You must be able to teach them at least one skill that they cannot do on their own. This could include:

  • Reading skills
  • Spelling skills
  • Writing skills
  • Multi-sensory teaching methods
  • Effective Orton-Gillingham approach

Other common teaching method are also used by teachers and therapists. These methods include:

  • Using visual approaches like pictures, flashcards, and word walls.
  • Providing auditory support through audio books, music, and games.
  • Teaching strategies including using memory aids, repetition, and practice.

Learning difficulties from Dyslexic students can be very frustrating for parents and educators alike.

The best way to help your student overcome this problem is to find out more about it so you can better understand why he/she struggles.

How to become a Dyslexia tutor and build a thriving tutoring business

1. Get Orton-Gillingham Training

This Orton-Gillingham approach are proven techniques that were developed over 100 years ago to treat kids with developmental delays.

It was designed specifically for children with language based learning differences. Orton-Gillingham teaches students to read and write independently without relying on sight alone.

2. Purchase a Dyslexia curriculum for tutoring

The curriculum for Dyslexic students will vary depending on which type of dyslexia your client suffers from. Some programs focus on just one aspect of learning while others cover all aspects of learning.

3. Find clients online

Dyslexics often go undiagnosed until middle school. If you don’t already have a website set up, start building one now!

4. Create a marketing plan

Your goal here is to get potential clients to contact you. Start creating content around the topics you want to talk about.

5. Build relationships with local schools

If possible, try to meet with the principal before starting any tutoring sessions. They may need some extra time to prepare for your visit.

6. Offer free consultations

Many people struggle to figure out what kind of program would benefit their child most. Give them a chance to ask questions during your first consultation session.

7. Set goals

You should always set realistic goals for yourself. It’s important not only to know where you’re going but how far away you are too.

8. Be consistent

Tutors who work consistently tend to see higher rates of success than those who aren’t. Make sure you stick to your schedule every day.

9. Don’t give up

Even if things seem hopeless at times, keep trying because there is hope. Your efforts will pay off eventually.

10. Have fun

Don’t forget to enjoy life as well. Tutor in an enjoyable manner and make sure you take care of yourself too.

11. Keep track of progress

Keep notes or record each lesson so you’ll remember exactly what happened. Also note down anything else that might come up throughout the course of the week.

12. Reward yourself

Make sure you reward yourself after completing a successful tutoring session.

How much does it cost to hire a dyslexia tutor?

It depends on the type of tutoring services you offer. You might charge per hour or by project basis. Some companies even provide free consultations before hiring them.

Some countries do not allow private schools to use public funds to pay for tutors.

  • Set your tutoring rate

Setting your tutoring rates should depend on how many hours you work each week.

It’s important to keep in mind that if you’re working less than 40 hours a week then you shouldn’t expect to make as much money as those who work fulltime.

  • Determine your tutoring hours

By determining your tutoring hours , you’ll know exactly when you’ll be able to take breaks throughout the day. This helps you avoid burnout.

How does dyslexia affect me personally?

Dyslexia doesn’t just affect kids; adults can suffer from it too! Some symptoms of adult dyslexia include:

  • Difficulty remembering names
  • Lack of confidence in public speaking
  • Problems finding jobs due to lack of experience

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