How To Market Yourself As A Tutor?

If you’re looking to earn extra income as a tutor, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’ll give you my top tips for marketing yourself online as a tutor.

1. Create an amazing profile

When people search for tutors online, they often only see the first few entries in their search results.

The reason for this is because the people who write the profiles are using generic templates which makes it hard for potential clients to find you.

So here’s my tip: create a unique profile that stands out from the crowd. To start, make sure you use images and videos to highlight your skillset.

Also, add in information such as your qualifications, previous experiences and any relevant awards you’ve won.

2. Make educational blogs

Blog for tutors will always attract potential students that are searching for help with education-related topics.

You can blog about anything related to teaching or learning but some of the most popular subjects include maths, science, English language, history, geography, art, music etc.

You don’t need to be a professional writer to produce good content on these types of topics. All you really need is passion and dedication!

3. Start a YouTube channel

YouTube has become one of the best ways to promote yourself as a tutor. This type of online tutoring platforms will let you produce online lessons and extra teaching income.

How to sell tutoring services?

Tutoring services are a great way for students to get extra help with their studies. If you’re interested in starting up a tutoring business, you should start by looking into what areas of study require the most assistance.

You’ll want to look at the different subjects that need the most help, so you can develop an effective marketing plan.

It could be helpful to think about how tutoring companies work in other fields such as music or sports.

Once you’ve got a good understanding of the field, you’ll be able to create a unique marketing strategy for your tutoring company.

There are collaborative tutor networks that can help you connect with local schools and colleges. These sites allow teachers to post jobs and advertise available positions.

  • Use social media

Social media is another fantastic platform for promoting yourself as a tutor. Facebook groups like “Teachers Teaching Teachers” have thousands of members where you can share ideas and ask questions.

  • Join forums

Forums are also a great resource when it comes to finding new customers. Fellow tutors will help you grow your client base by sharing advice and resources.

  • Use Google Adwords

Google AdWords allows you to target specific keywords and phrases. For example, if you wanted to teach children aged between 5 – 12 years old, you would enter the phrase “teach kids”.

This will show you all the websites that match those words and phrases. From there, you can choose to bid higher than others to appear above them in the search engine results page.

  • Enroll yourself to some tutoring agencies that are available near you. This are great for newbie at tutoring platform.

Private tutoring agency will hire you based on your qualification and experience. They provide training program and they pay monthly salary.

If you’re not familiar with this kind of job, then I suggest you take advantage of our free trial offer before signing up. We give you access to over 100+ courses across various subject matter.

  • Create a website

A website is essential for every tutoring service provider. A well designed site will showcase your knowledge and expertise while providing prospective clients with useful information.

Websites are common school marketing method, This method are very easy to use and cost-effective.

You just need to register domain name and hosting package from web host providers. Then you can easily build your own website using WordPress CMS.

The process takes less than 30 minutes and costs around $10 per month. Once done, you can add unlimited pages and posts to your website.

To make money through your website, you can either charge people directly or signup affiliate programs.

  • Make simple poster or any poster ads

This method are effective because you don’t need much space to display your posters. The best place to put these posters is outside public transport stations, bus stops, train station etc.

These places attract lots of commuters who may need your services.

  • Another option is to hang flyers inside shopping malls, supermarkets, restaurants etc.
  • Newspaper advertisement and newspaper classifieds

This can also help you boost your online tutoring business. These will encourage potential students to contact you.

You should always be honest about what you do and how long you’ve been doing it. Don’t lie about your qualifications or experience.

It’ll only hurt you later down the line.

Get creative!

Don’t forget to include images and videos on your website. It’s important to keep things interesting and engaging.

Include testimonials from previous clients.Here’s more :

  • Contact your school
  • Reach out to family and friends
  • Build up your experience

What tutoring services can you offer to students?

If you want to start an online tutoring platforms, You should also prepare what services you can give and what subjects only you can teach.

For instance, If you’re good at Maths but have no idea about English language, you shouldn’t try teaching both subjects.

Instead, focus on one particular area like maths or science.

Here’s more what you can offer:

  • Cross-subject tutoring

Cross-subject tutoring are ideal if you know multiple languages.

For example, if you speak Spanish and French fluently, why not create a cross-language course where you teach students how to write essays in their native tongue?

  • Subject specific tutoring

Some tutors specialize in certain areas such as math, physics, chemistry, biology etc. They usually work part time so they can dedicate themselves fully into learning the topic.

  • One-to-one tutoring

One-to-one tutoring are great way to earn extra income when you already have a fulltime job.

They require little investment and low maintenance. All you need is a computer and internet connection.

  • Lesson planning
  • Lesson resources

Lesson planning and resources are one of the important factor that determines whether someone would hire you for private lessons.

In order to get hired by parents, teachers or schools, you must first provide them with lesson plans and materials.

A lot of tutors fail to deliver quality material due to lack of knowledge and skills.

However, there are some free websites which allow you to upload files and share them with other users.

How many hours does it take to become a successful tutor?

There isn’t a set time frame required to become a successful tutor. However, most tutors spend more than 10 hours each week working on their businesses.

Most tutors work fulltime during weekends and holidays too. Today online education environment are changing rapidly.

The demand for qualified tutors has increased significantly over the past few years. This means that competition among tutors is getting tougher every day.

As a result, you need to invest more time and effort to make sure you stand out from others.

To succeed in this industry, you need to follow these tips:

  1. Be patient
  2. Learn new techniques
  3. Stay up-to date with technology
  4. Have a strong portfolio

How much should I charge for tutoring?

 In UK, Professional tutors have higher rates compared to non-professional ones.

It depends on the subject matter and level of expertise. For example, A professional teacher will typically charge £20 per hour while a beginner may be charged around £10 per hour.

The demand for tutoring varies depending on location. In London, tutors who specialise in mathematics tend to command high prices.

On the contrary, tutors who teach music often receive lower pay because less people seek their help.

Tutors who teach children face another challenge since they don’t have any fixed rate. Instead, they negotiate based on student needs.

Your teaching style will also determine the amount you charge. If your goal is to build rapport with kids then you shouldn’t expect to earn big bucks.

Instead, focus on providing value to your clients. You could start off charging small amounts until you gain enough experience.


Marketing for freelance tutors can be challenging but not impossible if you know what you’re doing.

You just need to put in the right efforts and strategies to ensure success.

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