How Much Do 11 Plus Tutors Cost?

11 plus tuition fees vary greatly depending on the course. The average fee for a tutor is between £30 – £50 per hour.

However, there are some courses where the fee is much higher. For example, the Cambridge International Examination Board charge £60 an hour for their Cambridge exams.

I think the best way to find out how much a tutor costs is to ask the school or college you want to study at. Most schools will give you a rough idea of how much a tutor costs.

For example the Imperial College London website says that “The price of your tutor depends upon which subject and level they teach”.

However, it doesn’t say what this price range is. I would assume that most subjects have similar prices so if you’re studying Maths then you should expect about the same as someone who’s teaching English Literature.

If you can get in touch with the person who teaches your chosen subject then he/she may be able to tell you more information about the cost of his/her services.

Choosing an 11+ tutor

Choosing a 11+ tutoring services or any tutoring centres in your areas, isn’t always easy. There are many different factors to consider when choosing one:

1. How good does the centre look? Do they seem like a professional organisation? Are they clean and tidy? Does everything appear well organised? Is there lots of space available?

2. What qualifications do the teachers hold? This might sound silly but it really matters! If you choose a teacher who has no experience whatsoever then you could end up wasting money because you’ll need to pay them extra just to learn from them.

However, if you chose a qualified teacher then you won’t waste time learning things that aren’t relevant to your exam preparation.

3. Can you contact the people running the centre directly? Some centres don’t allow students to talk to staff members directly. They only let students speak to other students.

4. Duration of tutoring sessions. You shouldn’t sign anything until you’ve had enough time to read through all the terms and conditions.

It’s important to make sure that you understand exactly what you’re signing before committing yourself to paying for lessons.

5. Fees charged by the centre. Make sure you know exactly what you’re being charged for each lesson. Don’t agree to something without knowing what it actually means.

6. Availability of the tutor. Will the tutor be free during certain times of day (e. g., evenings)? Or will you have to wait around till after hours?

7. Location of the centre. It’s not very convenient to travel long distances every week to meet a tutor. So try to pick a place near your home.

8. Quality of the tutor. Ask friends or family whether they’d recommend the centre. Also check reviews online such as Google Maps.

 9 . The individual tuition and advice offered by the tutor. Check whether the tutor offers private tuition or group classes.

10. Whether the tutor speaks English fluently. Many tutors offer both English language support and maths help.

But sometimes these two skills overlap. In order to avoid confusion, it’s better to go somewhere else.

 11. Any special discounts on offer. Tutor fees often include extras such as photocopying, note-taking materials etc. These extras usually come at a discounted rate. 

Prepare your child for the 11+ exam

As a parent, Helping your children with their academic and some entrance exam requirements is part of your parental responsibility. However, this doesn’t mean that you should take over the role of teaching your kids how to study.

Instead, you should focus on helping them develop self-discipline so that they become independent learners.

You should also encourage your children to use their own initiative whenever possible. For example, instead of telling them “you must write down the answers”, ask them why they want to answer questions correctly.

Then give them ideas on how to solve problems themselves.

Teaching your children with exam techniques is a great way to prepare them for exams. But remember: there are many ways to pass an examination.

And one method isn’t necessarily superior to another.

So when choosing which technique to teach your child, think about his/her strengths and weaknesses. Then select a strategy that suits him/her best.

Help your child succeed in their 11 Plus exams

11 plus exams are stressful events for most parents. And because of this stress, many parents end up doing things that aren’t good for their children.

For instance, if you feel stressed out while preparing for your child’s 11Plus test, then chances are high that he’ll suffer from anxiety too.

This can lead to poor concentration levels and even panic attacks.

If you find yourself feeling anxious about your child’s performance, then here are three tips that might help you cope with the situation:

Academic confidence is one of the key factors behind success in any subject. If your child lacks confidence, then he won’t perform well.

Therefore, make sure that your child has enough knowledge before starting lessons. This includes reading books and watching videos related to the topic.

Also, don’t forget to talk to your child about his/her fears and worries. By talking openly about these issues, you may be able to reduce your child’s anxieties.

Finally, keep calm!

11 Plus Exam Preparation – Using a Private Tutor

Asking experienced tutors to help your children learn new subjects is always a smart move.

However, not all teachers have the same level of expertise. So choose someone who will provide quality service.

In addition, look into what qualifications the teacher holds. Some people only hold A Level certificates, others hold degrees.

Some schools require students to attend regular sessions with their personal tutor. Others allow pupils to work independently.

The type of lesson plan used depends on the age of the student.

Professional tutor are equipped with skills such as:

  • English skills

English skills are essential for anyone wanting to get ahead at school or university. But it’s important to note that English language proficiency varies greatly between different countries.

That means that learning English could prove difficult for those living outside England. It’s therefore advisable to seek professional advice before embarking on a course of action.

A private tutor can offer guidance on topics like grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and writing style.

They can also explain concepts using examples taken directly from real life situations.

  • Listening skills

Listening skills are also vital for academic achievement. That’s why some schools ask candidates to take part in listening tests.

These tests assess how well a candidate understands spoken material. They’re usually given during interviews.

But they can also be included within other assessments. For example, GCSE examinations often include listening tasks.

  • Reading comprehension

Another skill that’s crucial for academic success is reading comprehension. It involves understanding written information.

  • Maths skills

Classics teacher and excellent teachers must have this ability. Maths is an integral component of many exams.

It’s therefore imperative that candidates possess strong maths skills. However, there are several ways to improve mathematical abilities.

One way is through practice. Another method is by taking advantage of online resources. These sites contain thousands of exercises designed to boost math skills.

  • Writing skills

Writing skills are another area where most candidates struggle. Writing essays requires good spelling and punctuation skills.

And yet, many candidates lack basic literacy skills. Expert tutors can teach them how to write properly.

So if you want to ensure your child gets top marks, then make sure he has access to qualified tuition.

  • Complex skills

Independent tutors and elite tutors are able to develop complex skills. This includes things like problem solving, critical thinking and creativity.

For instance, when teaching creative writing, experts encourage writers to think about ideas and themes.

This helps them produce original content. In turn, this improves their chances of getting published.

  • Essay writing skills

Enthusiastic tutor are skilled essayists. And because these people know what makes a great piece of literature, they’ll help you create something special too.

In fact, expert tutors will give you tips on how to structure your own pieces of writing. So whether you need help creating a research paper, a dissertation or even an assignment, look no further than our website.

We’ve got everything you need to succeed!

  • Evidence of skills

The tutors foundation of skills are very important. They ensure that the pupil learns effectively by using different methods.

They also know how to motivate the learner. In other words, they understand how to get the maximum amount of learning done within a given time frame.

Tutoring services are available at reasonable prices. You just need to compare rates offered by various companies.

When looking for a private tutor, it helps to check whether or not they offer discounts. Many providers offer special offers to attract more customers.

What qualifications do 11 plus exam private tutors need to have?

To teach 11+ exams, you must be qualified in at least one of these areas: English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Art, Music, Drama, Technology. In addition, you should have a passion for teaching and be able to work independently.

  • Confidence in teaching are also essential. Tutor who don’t feel confident enough won’t inspire students.
  • Confidence with literacy are also vital. If you’re unsure about your reading comprehension, ask someone else to read out loud to you.
  • Fearless learning approach that every tutor needs to have. It means being open-minded and willing to learn new techniques.
  • Core curriculum knowledge and advanced knowledge are also required. The former refers to subjects such as maths, science and history.

How long does it take to become a qualified 11 plus exam private tutor?

Qualification takes around two years to complete. The first year consists of theory lessons. During this period, you learn all aspects of education including pedagogy.

You’re taught how to use effective techniques such as questioning, feedback and assessment.

There are couple of trial sessions with difficult concepts that can make up part of your final grade. These tests allow you to see if you’re ready to start working with real pupils.

After completing the course, you may apply for registration with the relevant governing body. Once registered, you’ll receive certification from the government.

If you want to improve your career prospects, then becoming a qualified teacher is definitely worth considering.

Types of tutor you can hire to help your children 

Regular parent gave difficulties in looking after his kids. He was unable to cope with the responsibility of raising his children alone.

He needed someone to assist him in taking care of his kids. But there were so many parents out there who wanted to provide assistance but did not have any experience.

That is why he decided to search online for some reliable service provider. That way, he could find a person who would be willing to help him raise his kids.

There are many types of tutor that have different skills and way of teaching. Some may specialize in certain subjects while others focus on general knowledge.

Some teachers might only want to teach reading and writing skills while others prefer to teach math. There’s nothing wrong with having multiple skill sets.

It means that you can cater to every student’s needs.

It doesn’t matter if you choose a teacher who specializes in science or history. What matters most is that you pick a good one.

  • Maths tutors

This type of tutors are usually hired when a child has difficulty understanding basic concepts. These people are trained to explain difficult topics in simple terms.

For example, if a kid struggles with fractions, then maths tutors can show them how to solve problems involving division.

  • English tutors Science tutors

English and Science tutors are often used together because both require similar skills. They will help students improve their vocabulary, grammar and spelling.

  • Italian tutor

Italian tutor are great for those who wish to study Italian language. It is important to note that learning languages requires patience and dedication.

If you plan to travel abroad, then an Italian tutor is ideal since it allows you to practice speaking the language before leaving home.

  • Science tutors French tutors

Science tutors French tutors are perfect for anyone who wants to master the art of scientific thinking. This includes physics, chemistry, biology and other related fields.

These tutors are highly skilled professionals who know exactly what they are doing. Their job is to make sure that students understand complex ideas by breaking down complicated information into simpler ones.

  • Entrance exams tutor

Entrance exams teachers are very helpful especially during times like these. If you need to prepare yourself for entrance exams, then hiring a professional is always advisable.

They will guide you through the process step-by-step. You don’t even have to worry about missing classes due to lack of preparation.

School guidelines for 11 plus exam and tutoring programs 

School guidelines for 11 Plus exams and tutoring programs are different to those for other exams. For example, the 11 Plus syllabus includes many more subjects than the equivalent GCSE syllabus, including English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Art and Design Technology, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, French, German, Spanish, Latin and Greek.

Here some list of school that requires 11 plus exam:

  • Grammar School

Grammar schools are designed to provide children from age 7–13 years old with a broad education based around academic excellence.

Grammar schools offer pupils access to specialist facilities such as laboratories, libraries, sports halls and music rooms.

The curriculum at grammar schools focuses heavily upon literacy and numeracy. Pupils also learn foreign languages, arts and design technology, physical education, religious studies, computer programming and IT.

  • School for Girls

Some schools for girls include boarding options which allow young women to live away from home while attending lessons. The main aim of this option is to give female pupils the opportunity to develop independence and self-reliance.

Girls’ schools tend to focus on developing leadership qualities within their pupils. In addition, there may be opportunities for sport or drama clubs.

  • Royal Grammar School

Royal grammar schools are independent day schools in England founded between 1540 and 1611. These schools were established under royal charter granted by King Henry VIII.

In recent decades, most Royal grammars have been comprehensives but still maintain strong links with local communities.

  • Dartford Grammar School

Dartford school is a coeducational comprehensive secondary school located in Dartford, Kent, England. It was opened in September 2009 replacing St Mary’s Catholic High School.

  • Gravesend Grammar School

Gravesend school is a boys’ grammar school situated in Gravesend, Kent, United Kingdom. Founded in 1447 it has educated generations of scholars since its foundation.

  • Maidstone Grammar School

Maidstone school is a mixed all-through school located in Maidstone, Kent, England. Established in 1871, it educates over 1,000 pupils aged 3 – 19.

  • Alcester Grammar School

Alcester school have 11 plus entry requirements. They are an academy trust and one of only two remaining selective state grammar schools in Warwickshire.

Alcester Grammar School offers places to students who pass the eleven plus examination.

  • Altrincham Grammar School for Boys

This school are a non-selective community school located in Hale Barns, Cheshire, England.

Here’s more :

  • Altrincham Grammar School for Girls
  • Aylesbury Grammar School
  • Aylesbury High School
  • Barton Court Grammar School
  • Beaconsfield High School
  • Bexley Grammar School
  • Bourne Grammar School
  • Bournemouth School for Girls
  • Caistor Grammar School
  • Calday Grange Grammar School
  • Catholic Grammar School
  • Chatham Grammar School for Boys
  • Dane Court Grammar School
  • Dartford Grammar School for Girls
  • Edward VI Aston School
  • Edward VI Handsworth School
  • Folkestone School for Girls
  • Fort Pitt Grammar School
  • Gravesend Grammar School for Girls
  • Handsworth Grammar School
  • Harvey Grammar School
  • Heckmondwike Grammar School
  • Herschel Grammar School
  • Highsted Grammar School
  • Highworth Grammar School for Girls
  • International schools

The type of school mentioned above are international schools that offer both academic as well as extra curricular activities such as sports, music etc.

These schools usually follow the British system of schooling where children attend classes until they reach age 13/14 before moving onto high school.

There are many different types of International Schools available around the world you can choose.

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