One To One Tutoring – Why It’s Popular?

What is one-to-one tutoring?

One-to-one tutors are individuals who provide private lessons to students. They usually focus on a specific subject such as math, science, English, etc.

Tutors are often hired by schools or companies to teach their employees or students. Individual tutoring services are also used by parents to help their primary school children learn at home.

Online tutoring sites are becoming increasingly popular because they offer an affordable way to get a quality education at a moderate cost. Tutors can charge anywhere between $20-$100 per hour depending on the subject and location.

What does one-to-one tutoring or ‘1 on 1′ tutoring involve?

Typical tuition lessons would be 30 minutes long where the student meets with his/her tutor once every week.

During this meeting, the tutor helps the student understand concepts that he/she has difficulty grasping.

This could mean reviewing homework assignments, going over notes from class at school, or even just talking about what’s happening in school.

How long should tutoring sessions be?

It depends on how much progress each individual needs to make. Some people need only 10-minute increments while others may require 45-minute intervals.

It all comes down to finding out which method works best for them.

Furthermore, some tutors have different methods of teaching so there’s no set amount of time needed.

For example, if a person struggles with writing but excels in reading comprehension then a tutor might spend most of her time helping him improve his writing skills.

Is one-on-one tutoring effective?

Yes! Studies show that one-on-one instruction improves academic performance among both high school and college students.

In fact, research shows that when compared to other forms of group study, one-on-one classes result in higher test scores and lower dropouts.

However, not everyone responds positively to one-on-one tuition. If you’re struggling academically, don’t hesitate to ask your instructor whether you can meet with a personalised tutor instead.

How much does a one-to-one tutoring setting cost?

Depending on the tutoring programme, prices vary widely. However, most one-on-one tutoring costs around $50 – $75 per month. This includes everything except transportation costs.

If you live close enough to campus, consider asking your professor if she knows any good tutors. She’ll likely recommend several options for you to choose from.

In addition, check online forums to see if anyone is willing to share information regarding local tutoring providers. You never know until you try!

As long as you find reputable private tuition that offers flexible scheduling, you shouldn’t have trouble paying for private lessons.

15 Benefits Of One to One Tutoring:

One-to-one tutoring is a great way for students to learn from a teacher who has experience teaching the same subject. An additional benefit from having a tutor who can answer questions they may have about the curriculum content.

The tutor also benefits from learning new skills and techniques that he/she can apply to future classes.

The following list highlights some of the many fantastic benefits of one-to-one education.

1) It’s More Effective Than a Group-based tutoring

Studies have shown that individualized instruction results in better grades than group studies. For example, a student enrolled in a class where all his fellow students were taking the same exam would receive less feedback than a student working individually with a one-to-one tutor.

2) It Helps With Test Preparation

Tutors can prepare students for tests before they occur. If a test comes too soon after studying, it could cause stress and anxiety. By preparing students beforehand, tutors ensure that students aren’t caught off guard when the time actually arrives.

3) It Can Be Less Stressful

Students tend to feel anxious while sitting through lectures and discussions of their lessons in school When this happens, it becomes difficult to focus on what the instructor is saying.

This problem doesn’t affect people nearly as much when they study alone. Because there isn’t another person around to distract them, with online one-to-one child tutoring students can pay attention to the lecture instead of worrying about whether others are listening.

4) It Allows Students To Learn At Their Own Pace

Students don’t always understand concepts immediately. Some things require practice before understanding takes place. There are different level of proficiency and students will be taught according to their current level.

However, most instructors expect everyone to grasp certain ideas within a short period of time. As a result, students end up feeling frustrated because they haven’t mastered the information yet.

5) It Provides Extra Help During Difficult Times

Some subjects come easier for some students than others. Others struggle with specific topics even though they seem like they should know everything.

While these issues might not bother other students, they can become major problems for struggling learners. Fortunately, tutors can provide structured intervention whenever necessary and they can give personalised feedback.

6) It Makes Learning Fun Learning shouldn’t be stressful or boring.

Many students find themselves dreading their lessons because they think they will never master the content.

In reality, however, if you enjoy something then you’ll want to continue doing it. That’s why tutors make such good teachers.

They create fun activities and they love what they do so they naturally encourage their students to keep going and boost their confidence levels.

7) It Gives You Time To Focus On Other Things

Tutors spend more time with each student than any other type of educator, they get to see how well they perform under pressure.

They understand the student’s levels of focus and academic goals. This helps them determine whether they need to change anything about their approach.

8) It Improves Your Skills

As mentioned above, tutors help students learn by teaching them new skills. These include techniques for writing papers, solving math equations, and memorizing facts.

The best part? Tutors also teach students how to improve their own learning abilities. After all, no matter how smart someone thinks he/she is, nothing beats experience.

9) It Increases Student Retention

Many schools offer scholarships based on academic performance. Unfortunately, many students drop out once they realise that they won’t receive financial aid unless they maintain an A-average.

Luckily, tutors provide extra motivation for students who would otherwise quit. Not only does this increase retention rates but it also makes sure that students stay focused throughout the year without additional costs to schools.

10) It Keeps Teachers From Being Overworked

Many educators complain that they don’t have enough time to complete lesson plans and assignments.

If your teacher has assigned homework every night, then she probably feels overwhelmed at times.

Thankfully, a perfect tutor take care of those tasks for her. Instead of having to worry about grading tests and quizzes, she gets to concentrate on preparing for better classes.

11) It Helps Make Schools More Affordable

Most colleges charge tuition fees per credit hour rather than per semester. For example, Harvard University charges $1,000 per credit hour whereas Stanford University charges $2,500 per credit hour.

However, most universities allow students to attend a few courses without paying additional costs. Because tutors are paid hourly, they cost less than professors.

12) It Allows Students To Learn At Their Own Pace

Most people hate being forced to study when they aren’t ready. Fortunately, tutors understand this concept and therefore give students plenty of opportunities to practice before exams.

They can provide personalised approach to academic studies to avoid study distractions and create all sorts of activities to achieve their long-term personal focus.

By allowing students to choose their pace, tutors ensure that everyone learns in his/her preferred manner.

13) It Provides Extra Help When Needed

If you ever feel like you’re struggling with a particular subject, there’s always a tutor available to lend a hand. Unlike professors, tutors know exactly where to look for answers.

They may even be able to answer questions that teachers haven’t thought of yet!

14) It Makes Learning Fun

If you enjoy studying, then why not make it fun as well? Many tutors use games or activities to keep students engaged.

Some even encourage group projects so that students can share ideas and experiences. In addition, tutors sometimes bring snacks into class just to add some variety.

15) It Gives You An Edge On Competitors

Tutors usually work harder than other students because of their aggressive goals. They want to succeed more than anyone else. This means that they will do whatever it takes to get ahead.

Therefore, if you need to ace a test, ask a tutor to review your notes beforehand. He/She might find something that you missed during the lecture.

Is the tutor teaching the right topic and in the right way?

The best tutors teach from scratch. That is, they start by explaining concepts step by step until they fully grasp them.

As such, they should never assume that students already know what they’re talking about. Tutors must explain everything thoroughly and clearly. Otherwise, they risk confusing students instead of helping them learn.

Furthermore, many tutors only focus on certain subjects. While these individuals provide great help, others specialize in different areas. For instance, an English language learner could benefit greatly from a maths tutor who specializes in algebra.

Hence, don’t hesitate to seek out multiple tutors. The more options you have, the better chance you have at finding someone who fits your needs perfectly.

How Do I Find A Good Tutor?

Finding a good tutor isn’t easy. After all, how would you know whether he/she has been properly trained? Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of tips below that will help you identify quality tutors:

 Ask Friends And Family Members

They probably won’t tell you anything bad about a teacher. Instead, friends and family members tend to speak highly of those whom they respect. If you trust their opinions, then you shouldn’t worry too much about negative reviews.

Look Online

You can easily search online for tutors using Google. Simply type “ tutor” into the search bar. Then click on any results that pop up. From here, you can read testimonials and see which ones are most popular among parents.

Check References

You should also check references. Ask around to determine whether previous clients were satisfied with the services provided. Also, try contacting secondary school leaders or former classmates to see if they had similar experiences.

Get Recommendations

Finally, you should consider asking current students for recommendations. These individuals often have firsthand experience with various instructors. They may be able to offer insight regarding the qualities of a particular tutor.

What Should I Look For When Choosing A Tutor?

Now that you understand the benefits associated with hiring a private tutor, let us take a look at some important factors to consider when choosing a tutor.

1) Experience Level

This factor refers to the number of years that a tutor has worked in his/her field. Ideally, you should choose a tutor whose expertise matches yours.

However, this doesn’t mean that you should hire a beginner just because he/she seems qualified. You should always make sure that the individual possesses sufficient knowledge before making him/her part of your team.

2) Availability

This refers to the availability schedule of a potential tutor. It’s not uncommon for teachers to change jobs or move across state lines. Hence, you should ensure that your chosen tutor is available whenever you require assistance.

3) Fees

Fees refer to the cost charged per hour. Some tutors charge higher fees than others. Therefore, it pays to shop around so as to find the right fit.

4) Location

Location plays a crucial role in determining the success of a student-teacher relationship. This means that you need to carefully select a location where both parties feel comfortable. Furthermore, you should avoid selecting a place that requires long commutes.

5) Reputation

Reputation is another key consideration. As mentioned earlier, reputation speaks volumes. Thus, you should only work with an instructor who has received positive feedback from past customers.

6) Personality

Lastly, you must pay attention to personality traits such as patience, enthusiasm, and professionalism. All these characteristics play vital roles in ensuring that your child receives maximum benefit from the lessons.

What about the alternatives to one-to-one tutoring?

There are plenty of ways to learn without spending money on private tutoring. Here are three suggestions:

• Join a club – Many schools offer clubs that provide free tutoring services. These clubs usually consist of members who want to help their peers succeed. They often hold meetings at lunchtime or after school hours.

• Take advantage of community resources – There are numerous organizations throughout the country that offer free tutoring services. Check your city’s website to determine if such groups exist near you.

• Ask friends for advice – Your classmates will probably be more than happy to give you tips on how they’ve learned in the past. In turn, you can pass along those helpful hints to someone else.

One last thing…

Don’t forget to take breaks during your learning process. A little bit of rest and relaxation goes a long way towards improving concentration levels.

So go ahead and get started today by signing up for an affordable one-to-one tutoring service.


As you can see, there are many things to keep in mind when searching for a suitable tutor.

Hopefully, our guide will help you navigate through all the necessary steps without getting overwhelmed. Good luck!

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