What Age Is Key Stage 2? Find Out Here!

Key Stage 2 is a crucial part of your child’s education, and it’s vital that you find out as much about the next academic year as possible.

Here, we explain what age is Key Stage 2 and how to prepare your child for their GCSE exams.

When does key stage two begin?

Key stage 2 begins at age 11 and finishes at age 14. It takes place during the second term of secondary school, usually lasting three years.

Students take GCSEs at the end of Key Stage 2 and consists of five subjects; English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science and P.E., and there are also optional subjects such as Music and Art.

There are standardised exams that are sat by all students in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The qualifications offered include A*-C grades or an overall grade point average.

Some secondary school exams in the UK, however, do not have any set grading system. These may be more like ‘pass’ or ‘fail’.

What does this mean for my child?

If they pass their GCSEs with good marks then they will go on to study further at sixth form college. If they fail them, then they can retake them later.

Key stage tests and examinations are designed so that children learn best when they’re given lots of practice time.

This means that if your child fails one subject, they’ll get extra help from teachers who know exactly where they need to improve.

How long should I expect my child to take to complete their GCSEs?

The length of time needed depends on many factors including:

  • How well prepared your child was before starting their exam preparation
  • What level of difficulty each paper has
  • Whether they’ve had previous experience studying similar topics
  • Their ability levels
  • Any special needs they might have

It’s important to remember that every student learns differently – some people read quickly while others struggle to understand concepts.

Some kids enjoy learning through hands-on activities while others prefer sitting down and reading books.

What are key stages?

Key stage 1 – age 4-5 years old

Key Stage 2 – age 6-7 years old

Key Stage 3 – age 8-9 years old

Key Stage 4 – age 10-11 years old

Key Stage 5 – age 12-13 years old

Key Stage 6 – age 14-15 years old.

Some compulsory stages are called “early” and “late”.

What are the key stages in the national curriculum?

Key stages 1 – 4 cover the foundation subjects: reading, writing, maths and science.

Key stage 5 covers the core skills needed for further education or training.

How will my child be assessed in their key stage?

In England, children are assessed at age 4 or 5, depending on whether they were born before or after 1 January 2004.

Their teacher will assess them using a range of measures including tests of reading and writing skills, as well as observations.

In the UK, assessment methods vary between schools but most use either observation or testing. Teachers often work closely together to ensure that assessments reflect real-life situations.

They may ask questions based on things that happened in class or give tasks that require problem-solving.

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