How To Become A Piano Tutor?

If you love playing the piano, then you might find yourself wondering if there’s a way to turn your passion into a career.

There are plenty of people who are willing to pay for lessons. However, if you’re looking to make a full-time living out of teaching music, there are some things you’ll want to keep in mind.

To begin with, if you’ve never taught before, it’s probably not the best idea to jump straight into the deep end. Instead, try taking private lessons first.

This will allow you to gain valuable knowledge while learning from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Once you feel confident enough to teach others, consider becoming an online teacher.

Teaching online has lots of advantages, including being able to work from anywhere and having the ability to set your own schedule.

Furthermore, you’ll also be able to charge a higher rate to students because you won’t have a physical location to worry about.

Piano tutoring business

Piano teachers here in UK, Are always searching for ways to improve their skills so that they can provide better service to their clients.

If you’re interested in starting up a home based business as a piano instructor or even just a freelance pianist, we’ve put together this guide on how to start a piano tutoring business.

There are music academy that can also help you start your private piano lessons. They usually offer free trial classes which is great for beginners.

You may need to register at these schools but after that, all fees are waived off.

You don’t necessarily need any special training to get started either. All you really need is a good pair of ears!

If you enjoy listening to other musicians play, you could easily pick up tips by watching them perform live.

This would give you a chance to practice your ear without actually needing to learn anything new. Reading the lines of sheet music will be much more difficult than simply hearing the notes played back to you.

The same goes for reading scores. You should only ever attempt to read through a score once you know exactly where each note falls within the piece.

If you do happen to miss one, you can always look it up later.

As long as you’re comfortable with the basics, you shouldn’t struggle too much when it comes to getting started.

What requirements needed to start your career in piano teaching?

One of the most important requirement to start as a private piano teacher is your level of commitment in teaching piano to students.

Your playing experience in piano will also help you decide whether you should take up a job at a school or offer private tuition.

The following factors may influence your decision:

  • Do you enjoy working with children? If yes, then you could opt for a position at a primary school where you would get to spend more time with them.

On the other hand, if you prefer spending more time with adults, then you could choose to go solo.

  • How much do you like performing live? You don’t need to perform every day but you must practice regularly.

This means that you should plan ahead when you play gigs. It’s advisable to book several months in advance.

  • What kind of personality suits you well? Some people thrive off interacting with kids whereas others prefer adult learners.

The good news is that both types exist! So, no matter which type you fall under, you shouldn’t let any one category hold you back.

  • Advertising in music directory, Music magazines etc. Some music teachers do not advertise themselves directly through websites such as Facebook or Twitter.

Instead, they use social media sites to promote their services. This way, it’s easier for potential customers to find out about them.

  • Music directories are another effective method used by some music instructors to attract new clients. These directories contain information about different music teachers.

The best thing about using these directories is that there are many options available depending on your budget.

Some music teachers make money by charging per lesson. Others charge hourly rates.

  • Avail some respected music programs. This can help you gain valuable knowledge and skills.

It doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg though. There are plenty of free online courses offered by reputable institutions.

These include Coursera, EdX, Udemy, FutureLearn, Khan Academy, MIT Open Courseware among others.

Get certified. The Piano Teachers Association offers certification exams for those who want to teach privately.

There are two levels of certifications; Level 1 and 2.

Become a piano teacher through a degree program

A bachelor’s degree in music education will prepare you for teaching piano lessons at any level from beginner to advanced.

You’ll learn how to teach children, teenagers, adults, and older adults. You’ll also learn about theory, composition, performance, and pedagogy.

This degree program can help you obtain accessible piano learning method, This is effectively done by providing an appropriate curriculum and materials.

It helps you develop skills required to be successful in this field. The coursework includes topics such as:

  • Teaching methods
  • Learning styles
  • Assessment techniques
  • Curriculum design
  • Pedagogical theories
  • Theory of instruction
  • Research methodology
  • Educational psychology
  • Instrumental technique
  • Performance preparation
  • Musical literacy
  • Ethical issues in music education

Become a piano teacher through cultural institutions

This type of playing field can provide you with opportunities to work with students of all ages.

If you’re interested in becoming a pianist instructor, consider applying for positions within cultural organizations.

For example, you may apply for jobs at schools, libraries, museums, community centers, churches, and even hospitals.

Many of these organizations offer scholarships so you won’t have to pay tuition fees.

However, before you start looking for job openings, check whether the organization has its own training requirements.

Classical music institutions in UK, Are very common. They usually require applicants to complete a minimum number of hours of formal study.

They often ask candidates to take part in masterclasses, workshops, seminars, and other activities.

Most classical music institutions accept applications year-round. However, most vacancies occur during summer months.

So if you plan to pursue a career in music, then now might be a good time to begin searching for employment.

How much do piano tutors make in UK?

In UK, Music teachers can earn anywhere between £25-£50K annually. However, the average salary ranges between £30k – £40k.

Your skill level in playing piano can affect your earning capacity. For instance, a professional pianist earns around $100-$150K while someone who plays only once a week might earn less than $10K.

If you want to increase your income, you have two choices:

1) Become a freelance musician

2) Start offering private piano lessons

Freelance musicians work independently without having to pay taxes. They usually receive payment after each gig.

However, freelancing has its own set of challenges.


Being a piano teacher, or being a student yourself, requires patience, dedication, and passion.

But it doesn’t matter what kind of person you are; there are always ways to improve on your abilities.

Whether you decide to go back to school or not, keep practicing every day. And don’t forget to enjoy life!

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