Online Tutoring Jobs For University Students

There are many university students now a days are looking for some extra income to pay their tuition fees. If you have the knowledge and skills then why not make money online as an English tutor?

There is no better way of earning than this, especially if you can teach people who want to learn how to speak or write in English.

You will be able to earn up to 25 pounds per hour teaching others about English language.

The best part is that it’s completely free! All you need is a computer with internet access and Skype.

The online tutoring market today are growing up fast because there are so many people out there who wants to improve themselves by learning new things.

It doesn’t matter what your age is, everyone needs help at one point in time. So don’t let yourself down just yet, start making money right away.

Part-time tutoring & Teaching jobs for students in UK

In UK, online tutoring jobs are very popular among college/university students. There are lots of websites where they advertise these kind of job opportunities.

You may also find them on Facebook groups like “University Tutors” group. 

You can also apply from government website Tutoring. This tutor agency websites offers weekend tutoring jobs, virtual tutoring jobs and other tutoring services.

  • Freelance online English speaking tutors

If you’re looking for part-time freelance opportunities then look no further than SuperProf – they offer over 100 different types of online tutoring positions including:

  1. English speaking tutors
  2. French speaking tutors
  3. German speaking tutors
  4. Spanish speaking tutors
  5. Italian speaking tutors
  6. Japanese speaking tutors
  7. Chinese speaking tutors
  8. Russian speaking tutors
  9. Ukrainian speaking tutors
  • Part-time Tutoring & Teaching jobs across Ireland. Online, At home or near you.

 This type of opportunity are great for university students, who would love to work but cannot afford to take any more classes during term times.

They usually require someone to do 1 – 2 hours each week which means you could easily fit this into your schedule around study breaks etc.

Some companies even allow you to choose when you wish to complete your assignments.

So whether its before exams, after lectures or between semesters, you’ll always know exactly when you should submit your assignment.

  • Part time academic tutors – Biology/French – (£12p/h)

This private tutoring jobs are also for students who are studying biology or French. They provide lessons via skype or face book messenger.

These tutors charge £10 per lesson.

  • Offline tutoring

Offline tutoring jobs are available all year round. These include:

  1. Private tutoring
  2. Group tutoring
  3. Tutor training courses
  • Math subject tutoring sessions

This ideal tutor jobs are applicable for students who are good in math subjects. They can use this skills to do any online tutors or private tutors to other students.

  • Private tutoring agency websites

This private tutoring sites are helpful for students who want to experience remote tutoring jobs and private tutoring lessons to other students.

  • Summer tutoring jobs

This tutoring sessions are suitable for those students who have finished their studies and now working full time.

Do students need experience in teaching to work as online tutoring career?

Yes, they must have some experience in teaching or tutoring. Online tutoring is not easy and requires lots of patience.

You must be able to solve problems and teach them in an effective way.

Skill level are also important if you want to become successful in the field.

If you are good at solving math questions, then you might consider becoming Math teacher.

This valuable skills will definitely make a difference in how much money you earn.

Language skills and other valuable skills will always give you better paychecks.

That is why successful teacher earns about 50k pounds annually while average teachers only get paid less than 30k pounds.

If you have some a little bit of experience in teaching as a student, Then it’s possible that you can start earning from 20-30 pounds /hour.

You can also start by teaching preschool children. Teaching school children is very rewarding because most of these kids don’t understand English yet so you can help them learn new words.

Teaching english language is one of the best ways to earn extra income.

It doesn’t matter where you live since there are many opportunities to find local job openings.

How do you virtually tutor students?

Virtual tutoring is a way for people who are not qualified teachers, but want to help students with their school work to do so from home.

It is also an effective way for college students to supplement their income while they study. There are different types of virtual tutoring services including:

  • Online tutoring
  • One on one tutoring
  • Homework support
  • Test prep

It is essential that you have enough knowledge in the subject area that you are going to teach.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to effectively guide your students through their homework.

The more advanced the topic, the higher the salary. 

Is there a demand for online tutors?

In this year 2021, since the covid-19 pandemic occurs online tutoring became popular among parents and students. This trend has been increasing over the years.

There are several reasons why parents prefer online tutoring. The main reason is convenience.

Parents no longer have to drive their child to schools every day.

Instead, they just log into their computer and watch their kid doing his/her assignments.

Another advantage of using online tutoring is cost saving. Since we all know that education costs a lot nowadays, parents would love to save money whenever they can.

Another benefit of online tutoring is privacy. Most families today use computers and smartphones to communicate with each other.

So when you’re watching your kid doing his/her assignment via webcam, nobody else knows what he/she is up to.

How to become a successful online teacher?

The first step towards being a successful teacher is to enroll yourself in a college course on education.

Teacher training and some practical experiences are required to become a qualified teacher. If you want to be full-time teacher , then you may require a degree in Education.

However, if you just want to take up part-time teaching positions, then you can opt for a certificate program instead.

Certificate programs usually last around 6 months but you still need to pass certain tests to prove that you’re ready to enter into the profession.

After passing the test, you can apply for a license which allows you to practice teaching. There are student review programs that can help you improve your teaching methods.

What should I expect after applying for a tutoring position?

After submitting your application form, you’ll receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. You will get further instructions about how to proceed next.

You might even get called by our customer service team to discuss any questions or concerns regarding your application.

If everything goes well, you will start receiving emails asking you to complete various tasks such as uploading documents, completing forms etc.

Once these steps are completed successfully, you will be assigned a client whose needs you will try to meet.

What are some important things to consider before doing online tutoring jobs?

There are many things you should think about when choosing an online tutor job like what are the qualifications of the online tutor?, how much experience do they have in tutoring?

Do they offer any guarantee?, how good are their references? etc. So, if you want to choose an online tutor that will be suitable for your needs then you must take time to find out all these things before hiring them.

You must have the knowledge for primary school core subjects : Maths, English, Science, History, Geography, Art & Design, Music, Physical Education. This variety of subjects ensures that there’s something for everyone.

It also helps us to cater to different learning styles. For example, someone who learns best through visual aids could learn better from a video tutorial than reading text.

What are other factors to consider?

When it comes to selecting an online tutor, here are few more tips:

1. Choose one based on location – It doesn’t matter where you live, but make sure that the person lives nearby so that you don’t spend too long travelling back and forth between home and work.

2. Look at reviews – Reviews are very helpful because people share their opinions about the services provided by particular companies.

3. Ask friends and family members – They probably already know someone who has used this company

4. Check with local schools – Many schools use private tutors to teach children. Find out whether they recommend the company.

5. Read testimonials – These give unbiased feedback about the quality of the service offered by the company.

6. Do not pay upfront – Some companies ask for money upfront while others charge monthly fees. Make sure that you understand exactly what is being charged beforehand.

7. Consider discounts – Most companies provide discount coupons for new customers. Take advantage of those offers!

8. Get referrals – If possible, contact previous clients directly to see if they would recommend the company.

9. Avoid scams – Always check the reputation of the company first. Scammers often advertise cheap prices without providing anything worthwhile.

10. Be wary of hidden charges – Don’t sign up unless you’re clear about all costs involved.

11. Never send personal information over the internet – The only way to protect yourself against identity theft is to never reveal sensitive data online.

12. Your real-life experience counts! – You can get great results just by practicing regularly. Practice makes perfect!

13. Have fun! – Tutor kids or adults, whatever floats your boat. Just remember to keep it lighthearted and enjoy every minute of it.

14. Keep track of progress – Track your student’s progress using tools such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, OneNote, etc.

15. Use technology wisely – Technology plays a big role in today’s world. Learn how to leverage its power to help you succeed.

16. Stay organized – Organize everything properly. Create folders and subfolders according to subject areas.

17. Set goals – Know why you need to study certain topics. What do you hope to achieve after completing each lesson?


University students doing part time on-line jobs are able to earn extra income which will be useful during vacations. There are many websites offering these kind of opportunities.

However, before signing up for any job, always read terms and conditions carefully. Also, try to find some references regarding the website itself.

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